S. No. | Journals Code | Journals Name | e-ISSN | Domain | Indexed In |
1 | RTAIA | Recent Trends in Artificial Intelligence & It’s Applications | 2583-4819 | Computer Science / IT | Google Scholar, Crossref, SJIF, I2OR, WorldCat, |
2 | RRMLCC | Research & Review: Machine Learning and Cloud Computing | 2583-4835 | Computer Science / IT | Google Scholar, Crossref, Scilit, SJIF, WorldCat, I2OR |
3 | JoANNLS | Journal of Artificial Neural Networks and Learning System | 3048-6629 | Computer Science / IT | Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat |
4 | JoSCCI | Journal of Soft Computing and Computational Intelligence | 3048-6610 | Computer Science / IT | Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat |
5 | JoFSFLD | Journal of Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic Design | 3049-0227 | Computer Science / IT | Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat |
6 | JoIDTA | Journal of Intelligent Decision Technologies and Applications | 3049-0219 | Computer Science / IT | Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat |
7 | JISST | Journal of IoT Security and Smart Technologies | 2583-6226 | Computer Science / IT | Google Scholar, Crossref, Scilit, WorldCat |
8 | AIBTIA | Advancement of IoT in Blockchain Technology and its Applications | 2583-7826 | Computer Science / IT | Google Scholar, Crossref, Scilit, WorldCat |
9 | JAHNMC | Journal of Ad-hoc Network and Mobile Computing | 3048-9180 | Computer Science / IT | Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat |
10 | JOSCC | Journal of Sensor and Cloud Computing | 3048-9199 | Computer Science / IT | Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat |
11 | JIBDSN | Journal of IoT-based Distributed Sensor Networks | 3048-9202 | Computer Science / IT | Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat |
12 | JFIHC | Journal of Future Internet and Hyperconnectivity | 3048-9210 | Computer Science / IT | Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat |
13 | IJDTNSS | International Journal of Digital Technology and Network Security System | Newly Launched | Computer Science / IT | Google Scholar, Crossref |
14 | IJMCSE | International Journal of Mobile and Cloud Systems Engineering | Newly Launched | Computer Science / IT | Google Scholar, Crossref |
15 | JBDTBA | Journal of Big Data Technology and Business Analytics | 2583-7834 | Computer Science / IT | Google Scholar, Crossref, Scilit, WorldCat |
16 | JIDSBDM | Journal of Innovations in Data Science and Big Data Management | 2583-9845 | Computer Science / IT | Google Scholar, Crossref, Scilit, WorldCat |
17 | JoKDSIM | Journal of Knowledge in Data Science and Information Management | 3048-6602 | Computer Science / IT | Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat |
18 | JoIDACS | Journal of Intelligent Data Analysis and Computational Statistics | 3048-7080 | Computer Science / IT | Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat |
19 | JoDEKD | Journal of Data Engineering and Knowledge Discovery | 3048-9237 | Computer Science / IT | Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat |
20 | JoBDABI | Journal of Big Data Analytics and Business Intelligence | 3048-9229 | Computer Science / IT | Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat |
21 | JCSCS | Journal of Cyber Security in Computer System | 2583-4703 | Computer Science / IT | Google Scholar, Crossref, I2OR, Scilit, WorldCat |
22 | JCSPIC | Journal of Cyber Security, Privacy Issues and Challenges | 2583-7656 | Computer Science / IT | Google Scholar, Crossref, Scilit, WorldCat |
23 | JoHTDCPCV | Journal of Hacking Techniques, Digital Crime Prevention and Computer Virology | 3048-9156 | Computer Science / IT | Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat |
24 | JoSCNDS | Journal of Security in Computer Networks and Distributed Systems | 3048-9148 | Computer Science / IT | Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat |
25 | JoCNSDC | Journal of Cryptography and Network Security, Design and Codes | 3048-6386 | Computer Science / IT | Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat |
26 | JoISSCCR | Journal of Information Security System and Cyber Criminology Research | 3048-7072 | Computer Science / IT | Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat |
27 | IJIoTSCE | International Journal of Internet of Things and Smart Computing Environment | Newly Launched | Computer Science / IT | Google Scholar, Crossref, |
28 | IJAIMLIS | International Journal of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems | Newly Launched | Computer Science / IT | Google Scholar, Crossref, |
29 | JOIPAI | Journal of Image Processing and Artificial Intelligence | 2581-3803 | Computer Science / IT | Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat, Root Indexing, IP Indexing, SJIF, Scilit, I2OR, CiteFactor, DRJI |
30 | JONSCN | Journal of Network Security Computer Networks | 2581-639X | Computer Science / IT | Google Scholar, Crossref, SJIF, Scilit, I2OR, CiteFactor, WorldCat |
31 | JoDMM | Journal of Data Mining and Management | 2456-9437 | Computer Science / IT | Google Scholar, WorldCat, Root Indexing, IP Indexing, SJIF, Scilit, I2OR, CiteFactor, Crossref |
32 | JOITS | Journal of Information Technology and Sciences | 2581-849X | Computer Science / IT | Google Scholar, WorldCat, SJIF, Scilit, I2OR, CiteFactor, Crossref |
33 | JoCPP | Journal of Computer Based Parallel Programming | 2582-2179 | Computer Science / IT | Google Scholar, WorldCat, SJIF, Scilit, I2OR, Crossref |
34 | JOCSES | Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Software Testing | 2581-6969 | Computer Science / IT | Google Scholar, WorldCat, SJIF, IP Indexing, Scilit, I2OR, CiteFactor, Crossref |
35 | JOVDSP | Journal of VLSI Design and Signal Processing | 2581-8449 | Computer Science / IT | Google Scholar, WorldCat, SJIF, Scilit, I2OR, CiteFactor, Crossref |
36 | JoAAT | Journal of Android and IOS Applications and Testing | - | Computer Science / IT | Google Scholar, WorldCat, Crossref |
37 | JoWDWD | Journal of Web Development and Web Designing | - | Computer Science / IT | Google Scholar, WorldCat, Crossref |
38 | IJCSAPL | International Journal of Computer Science, Algorithms and Programming Languages | Newly Launched | Computer Science / IT | Google Scholar, Crossref |
39 | IJDSBCS | International Journal of Data Science, Bioinformatics and Cyber Security | Newly Launched | Computer Science / IT | Google Scholar, Crossref |
40 | JOSME | Journal of Statistics and Mathematical Engineering | 2581-7647 | Applied Science | Google Scholar, WorldCat, SJIF, Scilit, CiteFactor, Crossref |
41 | JOARES | Journal of Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources | - | Applied Science | Google Scholar, WorldCat, Crossref |
42 | RTSST | Recent Trends in Semiconductor and Sensor Technology | 3049-0235 | Electronics / Telecommunication | Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat |
43 | JoMMR | Journal of Microprocessor and Microcontroller Research | 3048-6637 | Electronics / Telecommunication | Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat |
44 | ARPED | Advance Research in Power Electronics and Devices | 3048-7145 | Electronics / Telecommunication | Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat |
45 | RRECE | Research & Review: Electronics and Communication Engineering | 3048-7102 | Electronics / Telecommunication | Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat |
46 | JEDT | Journal of Electronics Design and Technology | 3049-0189 | Electronics / Telecommunication | Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat |
47 | JoAESP | Journal of Advancement in Electronics Signal Processing | 3048-9164 | Electronics / Telecommunication | Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat |
48 | JoETSE | Journal of Electronics and Telecommunication System Engineering | 3048-6645 | Electronics / Telecommunication | Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat |
49 | JoRFMCT | Journal of RF and Microwave Communication Technologies | 3048-6475 | Electronics / Telecommunication | Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat |
50 | ARADC | Advance Research in Analog and Digital Communications | 3048-9172 | Electronics / Telecommunication | Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat |
51 | ARCEI | Advance Research in Communication Engineering and its Innovations | 3048-7099 | Electronics / Telecommunication | Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat |
52 | IJEITSEC | International Journal of Emerging IoT Technologies in Smart Electronics and Communication | Newly Launched | Electronics / Telecommunication | Google Scholar, Crossref |
53 | IJAIMLECT | International Journal of AI and Machine Learning Innovations in Electronics and Communication Technology | Newly Launched | Electronics / Telecommunication | Google Scholar, Crossref |
54 | IJNSA | International Journal of Neural Systems and Applications | Newly Launched | Electronics / Telecommunication | Google Scholar, Crossref |
55 | IJAITCI | International Journal of Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) in Communication Industry | Newly Launched | Electronics / Telecommunication | Google Scholar, Crossref |
56 | IJDEMT | International Journal of Digital Electronics and Microprocessor Technology | Newly Launched | Electronics / Telecommunication | Google Scholar, Crossref |
57 | IJIPSS | International Journal of Image Processing and Smart Sensors | Newly Launched | Electronics / Telecommunication | Google Scholar, Crossref |
58 | IJSBCWNS | International Journal of Satellite-Based Communication and Wireless Networks System | Newly Launched | Electronics / Telecommunication | Google Scholar, Crossref |
59 | JOMME | Journal of Mechanical and Mechanics Engineering | 2581-3722 | Mechanical Engineering | Google Scholar, WorldCat, SJIF, DRJI, CiteFactor, Crossref, Root Indexing |
60 | JoAME | Journal of Advancements in Material Engineering | 2582-0036 | Mechanical Engineering | Google Scholar, WorldCat, SJIF, DRJI, Crossref |
61 | JOAM | Journal of Advancement in Machines | 2582-2233 | Mechanical Engineering | Google Scholar, WorldCat, SJIF, DRJI, Crossref |
62 | JOMR | Journal of Mechanical Robotics | 2582-2187 | Mechanical Engineering | Google Scholar, WorldCat, SJIF, DRJI, Crossref |
63 | JoRAP | Journal of Recent Activities in Production | 2581-9771 | Mechanical Engineering | Google Scholar, WorldCat, SJIF, DRJI, Crossref |
64 | JoIM | Journal of Industrial Mechanics | 2582-1067 | Mechanical Engineering | Google Scholar, WorldCat, SJIF, DRJI, Crossref |
65 | JoRTM | Journal of Recent Trends in Mechanics | 2582-3213 | Mechanical Engineering | Google Scholar, WorldCat, SJIF, DRJI, Crossref |
66 | JoAAEn | Journal of Automation and Automobile Engineering | 2582-3159 | Mechanical Engineering | Google Scholar, WorldCat, SJIF, DRJI, Crossref |
67 | JMTMS | Journal of Modern Thermodynamics in Mechanical System | 2582-5771 | Mechanical Engineering | Google Scholar, WorldCat, SJIF, DRJI, Crossref |
68 | JoTES | Journal of Thermal Energy Systems | 2582-5747 | Mechanical Engineering | Google Scholar, WorldCat, SJIF, DRJI, Crossref, Root Indexing |
69 | JFMMD | Journal of Fluid Mechanics and Mechanical Design | 2582-9165 | Mechanical Engineering | Google Scholar, WorldCat, SJIF, DRJI, Crossref |
70 | JMMDM | Journals of Mechatronics Machine Design and Manufacturing | 2582-8908 | Mechanical Engineering | Google Scholar, WorldCat, SJIF, DRJI, Crossref |
71 | IJAIME | International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Mechanical Engineering | Newly Launched | Mechanical Engineering | Google Scholar, Crossref |
72 | IJSETG | International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Thermoelectric Generator | Newly Launched | Mechanical Engineering | Google Scholar, Crossref |
73 | IJMDT | International Journal of Machine Design and Technology | Newly Launched | Mechanical Engineering | Google Scholar, Crossref |
74 | IJMMSE | International Journal of Materials and Mechanical Structures Engineering | Newly Launched | Mechanical Engineering | Google Scholar, Crossref |
75 | JoWRPS | Journal of Water Resources and Pollution Studies | 2581-5326 | Civil Engineering | Google Scholar, Crossref, DRJI, I2OR, SJIF, Root Indexing, IP Indexing, WorldCat |
76 | JOCCE | Journal of Civil and Construction Engineering | 2457-001X | Civil Engineering |
Google Scholar, Crossref, DRJI, I2OR, Scilit, SJIF, Root Indexing, IP Indexing, WorldCat, IJIFACTOR, Cite Factor |
77 | JOCBME | Journal of Construction and Building Materials Engineering | 2581-6454 | Civil Engineering | Google Scholar, Crossref, DRJI, I2OR, Scilit, SJIF, WorldCat |
78 | JoGS | Journal of Geotechnical Studies | 2581-9763 | Civil Engineering | Google Scholar, Crossref, DRJI, I2OR, Scilit, SJIF, WorldCat |
79 | JoCCS | Journal of Ceramics and Concrete Sciences | 2582-1938 | Civil Engineering | Google Scholar, Crossref, DRJI, I2OR, Scilit, SJIF, WorldCat |
80 | JoST | Journal of Structural Technology | 2581-950X | Civil Engineering |
Google Scholar, Crossref, DRJI, I2OR, Scilit, SJIF, Root Indexing, IP Indexing, WorldCat |
81 | JoEES | Journal of Environmental Engineering and Studies | 2582-3132 | Civil Engineering |
Google Scholar, Crossref, DRJI, I2OR, Scilit, SJIF, Root Indexing, IP Indexing, WorldCat |
82 | JoRAIS | Journal of Recent Activities in Infrastructure Science | 2582-3124 | Civil Engineering | Google Scholar, Crossref, DRJI, I2OR, Scilit, SJIF, WorldCat |
83 | JoTS | Journal of Transportation Systems | - | Civil Engineering | Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat |
84 | IJEMRES | International Journal of Environmental Management and Renewable Energy System | Newly Launched | Civil Engineering | Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat |
85 | IJBIMAC | International Journal of Building Information Modeling Applications in Construction | Newly Launched | Civil Engineering | Google Scholar, Crossref |
86 | IJHWTT | International Journal of Hydraulics and Wastewater Treatment Technologies | Newly Launched | Civil Engineering | Google Scholar, Crossref |
87 | IJSAACT | International Journal of Structural Analysis and Advanced Construction Techniques | Newly Launched | Civil Engineering | Google Scholar, Crossref |
88 | IJGST | International Journal of Geoinformatics Science and Technology | Newly Launched | Civil Engineering | Google Scholar, Crossref |
89 | IJTMTN | International Journal of Traffic Management in Transportation Network | Newly Launched | Civil Engineering | Google Scholar, Crossref |
90 | JoIDRP | Journal of Interior Designing and Regional Planning | 2581-9984 | Architecture | Google Scholar, Crossref, DRJI, I2OR, Scilit, SJIF, Cite Factor, WorldCat |
91 | JoRAAS | Journal of Recent Activities in Architectural Sciences | 2581-9046 | Architecture | Google Scholar, Crossref, DRJI, I2OR, Scilit, SJIF, WorldCat |
92 | IJMEEIA | International Journal of Modern Electrical Engineering and Intelligent Automation | Newly Launched | Electrical Engineering | Google Scholar, Crossref |
93 | IJREEPS | International Journal of Renewable Energy and Electrical Power Systems | Newly Launched | Electrical Engineering | Google Scholar, Crossref |
94 | IJESVD | International Journal of Embedded System and VLSI Design | Newly Launched | Electrical Engineering | Google Scholar, Crossref |
95 | JCSC | Journal of Control Systems and Converters | - | Electrical Engineering | Google Scholar, Crossref |
96 | IJDEMT | Journal of Digital Circuitry Innovations in Electrical Devices | - | Electrical Engineering | Google Scholar, Crossref |
97 | JIIS | Journal of Instrumentation and Innovation Sciences | 2456-9860 | Electrical Engineering | Google Scholar, Crossref, Cite Factor, SJIF, IP Indexing, Root Indexing, Scilit, ivySCI, I2OR, OUCI, WorldCat |
98 | JCIE | Journal of Control and Instrumentation Engineering | 2582-3000 | Electrical Engineering | Google Scholar, Crossref, SJIF, Scilit, Root Indexing, I2OR, OUCI, WorldCat |
99 | JEPSE | Journal of Electrical and Power System Engineering | 2582-5712 | Electrical Engineering | Google Scholar, Crossref, SJIF, Scilit, I2OR, OUCI, WorldCat, IJI Factor |
100 | JAEED | Journal of Advance Electrical Engineering and Devices | 2583-9225 | Electrical Engineering | Google Scholar, Crossref, Scilit, I2OR, OUCI, WorldCat, Cosmos, SJIF |
101 | JSSMR | Journal of Sales, Service and Marketing Research | 2582-7804 | Management | Google Scholar, Crossref, DRJI, WorldCat, Scilit, |
102 | JWEBM | Journal of Women Entrepreneurship & Business Management | 2583-8210 | Management | Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat, Scilit |
103 | JARBFM | Journal of Accounting Research, Business and Finance Management | 2582-8851 | Management | Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat, Scilit, DRJI |
104 | JPLACMS | Journal of Purchasing, Logistics and Supply Chain Management system | 3048-6254 | Management | Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat |
105 | JBADV | Journal of Business Analytics and Data Visualization | 2584-1637 | Management | Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat |
106 | JESFR | Journal of Economic Studies and Financial Research | 2584-1629 | Management | Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat |
107 | RRHRLM | Research and Review: Human Resource and Labour Management | - | Management | Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat |
108 | IEPR | Innovation in Economy & Policy Research | - | Management | Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat |
109 | JIMCDM | Journal of Integrated Marketing Communications and Digital Marketing | - | Management | Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat |
110 | JTDMBF | Recent Trends in Data Mining and Business Forecasting | - | Management | Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat |
111 | JMSBM | Journals of Micro & Small Business Management | - | Management | Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat |
112 | TPN | Trends in Pharmaceuticals and Nanotechnology | 2582-4457 | Pharmacy | Google Scholar, Crossref, Scilit, SJIF, DRJI, SciSpace, WorldCat |
113 | JABPP | Journal of Advances in Bio-pharmaceutics and Pharmacovigilance | 2583-8202 | Pharmacy | Google Scholar, Crossref, Scilit, WorldCat |
114 | RRDDD | Research & Review: Drugs and Drugs Development | 2582-5720 | Pharmacy | Google Scholar, Crossref, Scilit, SJIF, DRJI, WorldCat |
115 | RTPSR | Recent Trends in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research | 2583-5718 | Pharmacy | Google Scholar, Crossref, Scilit WorldCat |
116 | JPR | Journal of Pharmacopoeia and Research | Newly Launched | Pharmacy | Google Scholar, Crossref |
117 | IJPPC | International Journal of Pharmaceutical Process Chemistry | Newly Launched | Pharmacy | Google Scholar, Crossref |
118 | IJPPR | International Journal of Phyto Pharmaceutics and Research | Newly Launched | Pharmacy | Google Scholar, Crossref |
119 | IJPIT | International Journal of Pharmacognosy Investigations and Technologies | Newly Launched | Pharmacy | Google Scholar, Crossref |
120 | JPRD | Journal of Pharmacological Research and Developments | 2582-0117 | Pharmacy | Index Copernicus, SJIF, DRJI, Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat, Scilit, IIFS |
121 | JPDRA | Journal of Pharma and Drug Regulatory Affairs | 2582-3043 | Pharmacy | Google Scholar, Crossref, DRJI, WorldCat |
122 | JCTR | Journal of Clinical Trials and Regulations | 2582-4422 | Pharmacy | Google Scholar, Crossref, DRJI, WorldCat |
123 | JAPP | Journal of Advances in Pharmacy Practices | 2582-4465 | Pharmacy | Google Scholar, Crossref, DRJI, WorldCat, Index Copernicus |
124 | JQAQC | Journal of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance and Quality Control | - | Pharmacy | Google Scholar, Crossref |
125 | IJMPLS | International Journal of Modern Pharmacy and Life Sciences | Newly Launched | Pharmacy | Google Scholar, Crossref |
126 | IJCPPH | International Journal of Clinical Pharmaceutics and Public Health | Newly Launched | Pharmacy | Google Scholar, Crossref |
127 | JPPNN | Journal of Perinatal, Pediatric and Neonatal Nursing | 2581-9011 | Nursing | Google Scholar, WorldCat, Crossref, NIScPR (ROAD), Scilit, SJIF, I2OR, Root Indexing, ESJI |
128 | RRMETN | Research & Review: Management of Emergency and Trauma Nursing | 2582-0494 | Nursing | Google Scholar, WorldCat, Crossref, NIScPR (ROAD), Scilit, SJIF, Scispace, IP Indexing, ESJI, Citefactor |
129 | JNPMHN | Journal of Neurological, Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing | 2582-0508 | Nursing | Google Scholar, WorldCat, Crossref, NIScPR (ROAD), Scilit, SJIF, DRJI, ESJI |
130 | JMSNPR | Journal of Medical Surgical Nursing Practice and Research | 2582-1512 | Nursing | Google Scholar, WorldCat, Crossref, NIScPR (ROAD), Scilit, SJIF, ESJI |
131 | JNREAM | Journal of Nursing Research, Education and Management | 2582-001X | Nursing | Google Scholar, WorldCat, Crossref, NIScPR (ROAD), Scilit, SJIF, ESJI |
132 | JCFT | Journal of Counselling and Family Therapy | 2582-1482 | Nursing | Google Scholar, WorldCat, Crossref, NIScPR (ROAD), Scilit, SJIF, ESJI |
133 | JMWHGN | Journal of Midwifery, Women Health And Gynaecological Nursing | 2582-3094 | Nursing | Google Scholar, WorldCat, Crossref, NIScPR (ROAD), Scilit, SJIF, ESJI |
134 | JCSHN | Journal of Community and Social Health Nursing | 2582-7308 | Nursing | Google Scholar, WorldCat, Crossref, NIScPR (ROAD), Scilit, SJIF, ESJI |
135 | RRMCOC | Research & Review: Management of Cardiovascular and Orthopedic Complications | 2582-5739 | Nursing | Google Scholar, WorldCat, Crossref, NIScPR (ROAD), Scilit, SJIF, ESJI, ABCD Index |
136 | RRJGNHS | Research & Review: Journal of Geriatric Nursing and Health Sciences | 2582-5704 | Nursing | Google Scholar, WorldCat, Crossref, NIScPR (ROAD), Scilit, SJIF, ESJI |
137 | JNSPRA | Journal of Nursing Science Practice, Research and Advancements | 2582-7847 | Nursing | Google Scholar, WorldCat, Crossref, NIScPR (ROAD), Scilit, SJIF, ESJI |
138 | JNVI | Journal of Nurses Voice and Impact | 2582-7812 | Nursing | Google Scholar, WorldCat, Crossref, NIScPR (ROAD), Scilit, SJIF, Scispace, ESJI |
139 | IJSMWH | International Journal of Studies in Midwifery and Women’s Health | 2583-570X | Nursing | Google Scholar, WorldCat, Crossref, NIScPR (ROAD), Scilit, ESJI |
140 | IJRMSN | International Journal of Research in Medical Surgical Nursing | 2583-3243 | Nursing | Google Scholar, WorldCat, Crossref, NIScPR (ROAD), Scilit, SJIF, ESJI |
141 | IJNCPN | International Journal of Neonatal Care and Pediatric Nursing | 2583-469X | Nursing | Google Scholar, WorldCat, Crossref, Scilit, ESJI |
142 | IJINS | International Journal of Interdisciplinary Nursing Science | Newly Launched | Nursing | Google Scholar, Crossref |
143 | IJOEPDNS | International Journal of Education and Professional Development in Nursing Science | Newly Launched | Nursing | Google Scholar, Crossref |
144 | - | International Journal of Immunology and Nursing Dynamics | Newly Launched | Nursing | Google Scholar, Crossref |























