For Subscription: +91-8506060024, +91-8506060041, 0120-4289322 For Publication: 9911977892


S. No. Journals Code Journals Name e-ISSN Domain Indexed In
1 RTAIA Recent Trends in Artificial Intelligence & It’s Applications 2583-4819 Computer Science / IT Google Scholar, Crossref, SJIF, I2OR, WorldCat,
2 RRMLCC Research & Review: Machine Learning and Cloud Computing 2583-4835 Computer Science / IT Google Scholar, Crossref, Scilit, SJIF, WorldCat, I2OR
3 JoANNLS Journal of Artificial Neural Networks and Learning System 3048-6629 Computer Science / IT Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat
4 JoSCCI Journal of Soft Computing and Computational Intelligence 3048-6610 Computer Science / IT Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat
5 JoFSFLD Journal of Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic Design 3049-0227 Computer Science / IT Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat
6 JoIDTA Journal of Intelligent Decision Technologies and Applications 3049-0219 Computer Science / IT Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat
7 JISST Journal of IoT Security and Smart Technologies 2583-6226 Computer Science / IT Google Scholar, Crossref, Scilit, WorldCat
8 AIBTIA Advancement of IoT in Blockchain Technology and its Applications 2583-7826 Computer Science / IT Google Scholar, Crossref, Scilit, WorldCat
9 JAHNMC Journal of Ad-hoc Network and Mobile Computing 3048-9180 Computer Science / IT Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat
10 JOSCC Journal of Sensor and Cloud Computing 3048-9199 Computer Science / IT Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat
11 JIBDSN Journal of IoT-based Distributed Sensor Networks 3048-9202 Computer Science / IT Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat
12 JFIHC Journal of Future Internet and Hyperconnectivity 3048-9210 Computer Science / IT Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat
13 IJDTNSS International Journal of Digital Technology and Network Security System Newly Launched Computer Science / IT Google Scholar, Crossref
14 IJMCSE International Journal of Mobile and Cloud Systems Engineering Newly Launched Computer Science / IT Google Scholar, Crossref
15 JBDTBA Journal of Big Data Technology and Business Analytics 2583-7834 Computer Science / IT Google Scholar, Crossref, Scilit, WorldCat
16 JIDSBDM Journal of Innovations in Data Science and Big Data Management 2583-9845 Computer Science / IT Google Scholar, Crossref, Scilit, WorldCat
17 JoKDSIM Journal of Knowledge in Data Science and Information Management 3048-6602 Computer Science / IT Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat
18 JoIDACS Journal of Intelligent Data Analysis and Computational Statistics 3048-7080 Computer Science / IT Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat
19 JoDEKD Journal of Data Engineering and Knowledge Discovery 3048-9237 Computer Science / IT Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat
20 JoBDABI Journal of Big Data Analytics and Business Intelligence 3048-9229 Computer Science / IT Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat
21 JCSCS Journal of Cyber Security in Computer System 2583-4703 Computer Science / IT Google Scholar, Crossref, I2OR, Scilit, WorldCat
22 JCSPIC Journal of Cyber Security, Privacy Issues and Challenges 2583-7656 Computer Science / IT Google Scholar, Crossref, Scilit, WorldCat
23 JoHTDCPCV Journal of Hacking Techniques, Digital Crime Prevention and Computer Virology 3048-9156 Computer Science / IT Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat
24 JoSCNDS Journal of Security in Computer Networks and Distributed Systems 3048-9148 Computer Science / IT Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat
25 JoCNSDC Journal of Cryptography and Network Security, Design and Codes 3048-6386 Computer Science / IT Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat
26 JoISSCCR Journal of Information Security System and Cyber Criminology Research 3048-7072 Computer Science / IT Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat
27 IJIoTSCE International Journal of Internet of Things and Smart Computing Environment Newly Launched Computer Science / IT Google Scholar, Crossref,
28 IJAIMLIS International Journal of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems Newly Launched Computer Science / IT Google Scholar, Crossref,
29 JOIPAI Journal of Image Processing and Artificial Intelligence 2581-3803 Computer Science / IT Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat, Root Indexing, IP Indexing, SJIF, Scilit, I2OR, CiteFactor, DRJI
30 JONSCN Journal of Network Security Computer Networks 2581-639X Computer Science / IT Google Scholar, Crossref, SJIF, Scilit, I2OR, CiteFactor, WorldCat
31 JoDMM Journal of Data Mining and Management 2456-9437 Computer Science / IT Google Scholar, WorldCat, Root Indexing, IP Indexing, SJIF, Scilit, I2OR, CiteFactor, Crossref
32 JOITS Journal of Information Technology and Sciences 2581-849X Computer Science / IT Google Scholar, WorldCat, SJIF, Scilit, I2OR, CiteFactor, Crossref
33 JoCPP Journal of Computer Based Parallel Programming 2582-2179 Computer Science / IT Google Scholar, WorldCat, SJIF, Scilit, I2OR, Crossref
34 JOCSES Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Software Testing 2581-6969 Computer Science / IT Google Scholar, WorldCat, SJIF, IP Indexing, Scilit, I2OR, CiteFactor, Crossref
35 JOVDSP Journal of VLSI Design and Signal Processing 2581-8449 Computer Science / IT Google Scholar, WorldCat, SJIF, Scilit, I2OR, CiteFactor, Crossref
36 JoAAT Journal of Android and IOS Applications and Testing - Computer Science / IT Google Scholar, WorldCat, Crossref
37 JoWDWD Journal of Web Development and Web Designing - Computer Science / IT Google Scholar, WorldCat, Crossref
38 IJCSAPL International Journal of Computer Science, Algorithms and Programming Languages Newly Launched Computer Science / IT Google Scholar, Crossref
39 IJDSBCS International Journal of Data Science, Bioinformatics and Cyber Security Newly Launched Computer Science / IT Google Scholar, Crossref
40 JOSME Journal of Statistics and Mathematical Engineering 2581-7647 Applied Science Google Scholar, WorldCat, SJIF, Scilit, CiteFactor, Crossref
41 JOARES Journal of Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources - Applied Science Google Scholar, WorldCat, Crossref
42 RTSST Recent Trends in Semiconductor and Sensor Technology 3049-0235 Electronics / Telecommunication Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat
43 JoMMR Journal of Microprocessor and Microcontroller Research 3048-6637 Electronics / Telecommunication Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat
44 ARPED Advance Research in Power Electronics and Devices 3048-7145 Electronics / Telecommunication Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat
45 RRECE Research & Review: Electronics and Communication Engineering 3048-7102 Electronics / Telecommunication Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat
46 JEDT Journal of Electronics Design and Technology 3049-0189 Electronics / Telecommunication Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat
47 JoAESP Journal of Advancement in Electronics Signal Processing 3048-9164 Electronics / Telecommunication Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat
48 JoETSE Journal of Electronics and Telecommunication System Engineering 3048-6645 Electronics / Telecommunication Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat
49 JoRFMCT Journal of RF and Microwave Communication Technologies 3048-6475 Electronics / Telecommunication Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat
50 ARADC Advance Research in Analog and Digital Communications 3048-9172 Electronics / Telecommunication Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat
51 ARCEI Advance Research in Communication Engineering and its Innovations 3048-7099 Electronics / Telecommunication Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat
52 IJEITSEC International Journal of Emerging IoT Technologies in Smart Electronics and Communication Newly Launched Electronics / Telecommunication Google Scholar, Crossref
53 IJAIMLECT International Journal of AI and Machine Learning Innovations in Electronics and Communication Technology Newly Launched Electronics / Telecommunication Google Scholar, Crossref
54 IJNSA International Journal of Neural Systems and Applications Newly Launched Electronics / Telecommunication Google Scholar, Crossref
55 IJAITCI International Journal of Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) in Communication Industry Newly Launched Electronics / Telecommunication Google Scholar, Crossref
56 IJDEMT International Journal of Digital Electronics and Microprocessor Technology Newly Launched Electronics / Telecommunication Google Scholar, Crossref
57 IJIPSS International Journal of Image Processing and Smart Sensors Newly Launched Electronics / Telecommunication Google Scholar, Crossref
58 IJSBCWNS International Journal of Satellite-Based Communication and Wireless Networks System Newly Launched Electronics / Telecommunication Google Scholar, Crossref
59 JOMME Journal of Mechanical and Mechanics Engineering 2581-3722 Mechanical Engineering Google Scholar, WorldCat, SJIF, DRJI, CiteFactor, Crossref, Root Indexing
60 JoAME Journal of Advancements in Material Engineering 2582-0036 Mechanical Engineering Google Scholar, WorldCat, SJIF, DRJI, Crossref
61 JOAM Journal of Advancement in Machines 2582-2233 Mechanical Engineering Google Scholar, WorldCat, SJIF, DRJI, Crossref
62 JOMR Journal of Mechanical Robotics 2582-2187 Mechanical Engineering Google Scholar, WorldCat, SJIF, DRJI, Crossref
63 JoRAP Journal of Recent Activities in Production 2581-9771 Mechanical Engineering Google Scholar, WorldCat, SJIF, DRJI, Crossref
64 JoIM Journal of Industrial Mechanics 2582-1067 Mechanical Engineering Google Scholar, WorldCat, SJIF, DRJI, Crossref
65 JoRTM Journal of Recent Trends in Mechanics 2582-3213 Mechanical Engineering Google Scholar, WorldCat, SJIF, DRJI, Crossref
66 JoAAEn Journal of Automation and Automobile Engineering 2582-3159 Mechanical Engineering Google Scholar, WorldCat, SJIF, DRJI, Crossref
67 JMTMS Journal of Modern Thermodynamics in Mechanical System 2582-5771 Mechanical Engineering Google Scholar, WorldCat, SJIF, DRJI, Crossref
68 JoTES Journal of Thermal Energy Systems 2582-5747 Mechanical Engineering Google Scholar, WorldCat, SJIF, DRJI, Crossref, Root Indexing
69 JFMMD Journal of Fluid Mechanics and Mechanical Design 2582-9165 Mechanical Engineering Google Scholar, WorldCat, SJIF, DRJI, Crossref
70 JMMDM Journals of Mechatronics Machine Design and Manufacturing 2582-8908 Mechanical Engineering Google Scholar, WorldCat, SJIF, DRJI, Crossref
71 IJAIME International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Mechanical Engineering Newly Launched Mechanical Engineering Google Scholar, Crossref
72 IJSETG International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Thermoelectric Generator Newly Launched Mechanical Engineering Google Scholar, Crossref
73 IJMDT International Journal of Machine Design and Technology Newly Launched Mechanical Engineering Google Scholar, Crossref
74 IJMMSE International Journal of Materials and Mechanical Structures Engineering Newly Launched Mechanical Engineering Google Scholar, Crossref
75 JoWRPS Journal of Water Resources and Pollution Studies 2581-5326 Civil Engineering Google Scholar, Crossref, DRJI, I2OR, SJIF, Root Indexing, IP Indexing, WorldCat
76 JOCCE Journal of Civil and Construction Engineering 2457-001X Civil Engineering Google Scholar, Crossref, DRJI, I2OR, Scilit, SJIF, Root Indexing,
IP Indexing, WorldCat, IJIFACTOR, Cite Factor
77 JOCBME Journal of Construction and Building Materials Engineering 2581-6454 Civil Engineering Google Scholar, Crossref, DRJI, I2OR, Scilit, SJIF, WorldCat
78 JoGS Journal of Geotechnical Studies 2581-9763 Civil Engineering Google Scholar, Crossref, DRJI, I2OR, Scilit, SJIF, WorldCat
79 JoCCS Journal of Ceramics and Concrete Sciences 2582-1938 Civil Engineering Google Scholar, Crossref, DRJI, I2OR, Scilit, SJIF, WorldCat
80 JoST Journal of Structural Technology 2581-950X Civil Engineering Google Scholar, Crossref, DRJI, I2OR, Scilit, SJIF, Root Indexing,
IP Indexing, WorldCat
81 JoEES Journal of Environmental Engineering and Studies 2582-3132 Civil Engineering Google Scholar, Crossref, DRJI, I2OR, Scilit, SJIF, Root Indexing,
IP Indexing, WorldCat
82 JoRAIS Journal of Recent Activities in Infrastructure Science 2582-3124 Civil Engineering Google Scholar, Crossref, DRJI, I2OR, Scilit, SJIF, WorldCat
83 JoTS Journal of Transportation Systems - Civil Engineering Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat
84 IJEMRES International Journal of Environmental Management and Renewable Energy System Newly Launched Civil Engineering Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat
85 IJBIMAC International Journal of Building Information Modeling Applications in Construction Newly Launched Civil Engineering Google Scholar, Crossref
86 IJHWTT International Journal of Hydraulics and Wastewater Treatment Technologies Newly Launched Civil Engineering Google Scholar, Crossref
87 IJSAACT International Journal of Structural Analysis and Advanced Construction Techniques Newly Launched Civil Engineering Google Scholar, Crossref
88 IJGST International Journal of Geoinformatics Science and Technology Newly Launched Civil Engineering Google Scholar, Crossref
89 IJTMTN International Journal of Traffic Management in Transportation Network Newly Launched Civil Engineering Google Scholar, Crossref
90 JoIDRP Journal of Interior Designing and Regional Planning 2581-9984 Architecture Google Scholar, Crossref, DRJI, I2OR, Scilit, SJIF, Cite Factor, WorldCat
91 JoRAAS Journal of Recent Activities in Architectural Sciences 2581-9046 Architecture Google Scholar, Crossref, DRJI, I2OR, Scilit, SJIF, WorldCat
92 IJMEEIA International Journal of Modern Electrical Engineering and Intelligent Automation Newly Launched Electrical Engineering Google Scholar, Crossref
93 IJREEPS International Journal of Renewable Energy and Electrical Power Systems Newly Launched Electrical Engineering Google Scholar, Crossref
94 IJESVD International Journal of Embedded System and VLSI Design Newly Launched Electrical Engineering Google Scholar, Crossref
95 JCSC Journal of Control Systems and Converters - Electrical Engineering Google Scholar, Crossref
96 IJDEMT Journal of Digital Circuitry Innovations in Electrical Devices - Electrical Engineering Google Scholar, Crossref
97 JIIS Journal of Instrumentation and Innovation Sciences 2456-9860 Electrical Engineering Google Scholar, Crossref, Cite Factor, SJIF, IP Indexing, Root Indexing, Scilit, ivySCI, I2OR, OUCI, WorldCat
98 JCIE Journal of Control and Instrumentation Engineering 2582-3000 Electrical Engineering Google Scholar, Crossref, SJIF, Scilit, Root Indexing, I2OR, OUCI, WorldCat
99 JEPSE Journal of Electrical and Power System Engineering 2582-5712 Electrical Engineering Google Scholar, Crossref, SJIF, Scilit, I2OR, OUCI, WorldCat, IJI Factor
100 JAEED Journal of Advance Electrical Engineering and Devices 2583-9225 Electrical Engineering Google Scholar, Crossref, Scilit, I2OR, OUCI, WorldCat, Cosmos, SJIF
101 JSSMR Journal of Sales, Service and Marketing Research 2582-7804 Management Google Scholar, Crossref, DRJI, WorldCat, Scilit,
102 JWEBM Journal of Women Entrepreneurship & Business Management 2583-8210 Management Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat, Scilit
103 JARBFM Journal of Accounting Research, Business and Finance Management 2582-8851 Management Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat, Scilit, DRJI
104 JPLACMS Journal of Purchasing, Logistics and Supply Chain Management system 3048-6254 Management Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat
105 JBADV Journal of Business Analytics and Data Visualization 2584-1637 Management Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat
106 JESFR Journal of Economic Studies and Financial Research 2584-1629 Management Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat
107 RRHRLM Research and Review: Human Resource and Labour Management - Management Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat
108 IEPR Innovation in Economy & Policy Research - Management Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat
109 JIMCDM Journal of Integrated Marketing Communications and Digital Marketing - Management Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat
110 JTDMBF Recent Trends in Data Mining and Business Forecasting - Management Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat
111 JMSBM Journals of Micro & Small Business Management - Management Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat
112 TPN Trends in Pharmaceuticals and Nanotechnology 2582-4457 Pharmacy Google Scholar, Crossref, Scilit, SJIF, DRJI, SciSpace, WorldCat
113 JABPP Journal of Advances in Bio-pharmaceutics and Pharmacovigilance 2583-8202 Pharmacy Google Scholar, Crossref, Scilit, WorldCat
114 RRDDD Research & Review: Drugs and Drugs Development 2582-5720 Pharmacy Google Scholar, Crossref, Scilit, SJIF, DRJI, WorldCat
115 RTPSR Recent Trends in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 2583-5718 Pharmacy Google Scholar, Crossref, Scilit WorldCat
116 JPR Journal of Pharmacopoeia and Research Newly Launched Pharmacy Google Scholar, Crossref
117 IJPPC International Journal of Pharmaceutical Process Chemistry Newly Launched Pharmacy Google Scholar, Crossref
118 IJPPR International Journal of Phyto Pharmaceutics and Research Newly Launched Pharmacy Google Scholar, Crossref
119 IJPIT International Journal of Pharmacognosy Investigations and Technologies Newly Launched Pharmacy Google Scholar, Crossref
120 JPRD Journal of Pharmacological Research and Developments 2582-0117 Pharmacy Index Copernicus, SJIF, DRJI, Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat, Scilit, IIFS
121 JPDRA Journal of Pharma and Drug Regulatory Affairs 2582-3043 Pharmacy Google Scholar, Crossref, DRJI, WorldCat
122 JCTR Journal of Clinical Trials and Regulations 2582-4422 Pharmacy Google Scholar, Crossref, DRJI, WorldCat
123 JAPP Journal of Advances in Pharmacy Practices 2582-4465 Pharmacy Google Scholar, Crossref, DRJI, WorldCat, Index Copernicus
124 JQAQC Journal of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance and Quality Control - Pharmacy Google Scholar, Crossref
125 IJMPLS International Journal of Modern Pharmacy and Life Sciences Newly Launched Pharmacy Google Scholar, Crossref
126 IJCPPH International Journal of Clinical Pharmaceutics and Public Health Newly Launched Pharmacy Google Scholar, Crossref
127 JPPNN Journal of Perinatal, Pediatric and Neonatal Nursing 2581-9011 Nursing Google Scholar, WorldCat, Crossref, NIScPR (ROAD), Scilit, SJIF, I2OR, Root Indexing, ESJI
128 RRMETN Research & Review: Management of Emergency and Trauma Nursing 2582-0494 Nursing Google Scholar, WorldCat, Crossref, NIScPR (ROAD), Scilit, SJIF, Scispace, IP Indexing, ESJI, Citefactor
129 JNPMHN Journal of Neurological, Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 2582-0508 Nursing Google Scholar, WorldCat, Crossref, NIScPR (ROAD), Scilit, SJIF, DRJI, ESJI
130 JMSNPR Journal of Medical Surgical Nursing Practice and Research 2582-1512 Nursing Google Scholar, WorldCat, Crossref, NIScPR (ROAD), Scilit, SJIF, ESJI
131 JNREAM Journal of Nursing Research, Education and Management 2582-001X Nursing Google Scholar, WorldCat, Crossref, NIScPR (ROAD), Scilit, SJIF, ESJI
132 JCFT Journal of Counselling and Family Therapy 2582-1482 Nursing Google Scholar, WorldCat, Crossref, NIScPR (ROAD), Scilit, SJIF, ESJI
133 JMWHGN Journal of Midwifery, Women Health And Gynaecological Nursing 2582-3094 Nursing Google Scholar, WorldCat, Crossref, NIScPR (ROAD), Scilit, SJIF, ESJI
134 JCSHN Journal of Community and Social Health Nursing 2582-7308 Nursing Google Scholar, WorldCat, Crossref, NIScPR (ROAD), Scilit, SJIF, ESJI
135 RRMCOC Research & Review: Management of Cardiovascular and Orthopedic Complications 2582-5739 Nursing Google Scholar, WorldCat, Crossref, NIScPR (ROAD), Scilit, SJIF, ESJI, ABCD Index
136 RRJGNHS Research & Review: Journal of Geriatric Nursing and Health Sciences 2582-5704 Nursing Google Scholar, WorldCat, Crossref, NIScPR (ROAD), Scilit, SJIF, ESJI
137 JNSPRA Journal of Nursing Science Practice, Research and Advancements 2582-7847 Nursing Google Scholar, WorldCat, Crossref, NIScPR (ROAD), Scilit, SJIF, ESJI
138 JNVI Journal of Nurses Voice and Impact 2582-7812 Nursing Google Scholar, WorldCat, Crossref, NIScPR (ROAD), Scilit, SJIF, Scispace, ESJI
139 IJSMWH International Journal of Studies in Midwifery and Women’s Health 2583-570X Nursing Google Scholar, WorldCat, Crossref, NIScPR (ROAD), Scilit, ESJI
140 IJRMSN International Journal of Research in Medical Surgical Nursing 2583-3243 Nursing Google Scholar, WorldCat, Crossref, NIScPR (ROAD), Scilit, SJIF, ESJI
141 IJNCPN International Journal of Neonatal Care and Pediatric Nursing 2583-469X Nursing Google Scholar, WorldCat, Crossref, Scilit, ESJI
142 IJINS International Journal of Interdisciplinary Nursing Science Newly Launched Nursing Google Scholar, Crossref
143 IJOEPDNS International Journal of Education and Professional Development in Nursing Science Newly Launched Nursing Google Scholar, Crossref
144 - International Journal of Immunology and Nursing Dynamics Newly Launched Nursing Google Scholar, Crossref